The third episode is about the loss experienced by Paul, a Berlin-based actor.
By coincidence, he encounters his lost friend in the middle of Tiergarten. Is it a real situation or a figment of his imagination?
„Kopfkino“ is a German word that literally means „head cinema.“ Inspired by the lyrics of „We will meet again“ by Ross C. Parker & Hughie Charles, a kind of „Kopfkino“ is installed in which he meets with his friend who died. By evoking the memory about the friend, a sense of theatrical stage such as green screen, microphone, and an actress playing the role of the friend intervenes in the everyday scene. This frame structure can be interpreted as a metaphor for an in-between space that mediates between reality and unreality, present and past, and the purgatory between life and death.
Filmemacher/in: Paul Riemann (Story)
Dauer/Jahr: 09:59min / 2021